Articles: Applicant Interview
How to Conduct A Job Interview the Right Way
Feel like something’s missing in your interviews? Integrate this into your process to quickly turn your best candidates into fiercely loyal employees.
Using Transparency To Reduce Turnover
Setting realistic expectations is vital when it comes to bringing new employees on board. Check out one of my easiest and most effective tactics for talent retention.
Amplify Your Weirdness to Make Better Hires
How to get more job applicants by amplifying your company culture’s unique difference.
Are Text Interviews the Future of Hiring?
Text interviews? While the idea may seem a little crazy to some, others are using the change in technology to their advantage. Maybe you can as well!
Is It Time To Retire Some Of Your Job Interview Questions?
Are you wasting time with pointless interview questions? Here is a list of a few that, we think, need to be retired. Do you agree?
5 Steps to Improve Communication with Applicants
Top 5 Steps to improving communication with your applicants! Good communication with applicants is one of them most important parts to the hiring process.
4 Qualities to Look for in an Applicant
Learn about 4 important qualities to look for in an applicant during the hiring process so you can hire the perfect candidate for your company.
3 Back to School Lessons for Human Resources
Fall is coming, and it's time for the kids to go back to school! Human resources can learn recruiting tips from the new school year too! Here are three!