Articles: Company Culture

tekpon award for best recruiting software

By: Alyson Maxwell

ApplicantPro Awarded Top Recruiting Software

ApplicantPro earns top marks as a leading recruiting software in Tekpon's annual list, praised for its advanced features and impactful hiring solutions.

employees market jobs

By: Alyson Maxwell

Let Your Employees Market Your Jobs

Boost hiring and engagement with an Employee Referral Program. Proven to improve hire quality, speed up the process, and reduce turnover. Get started today!

applicantpro pride

By: Hillary Arveseth

Pride In The Workplace

ApplicantPro is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive environment for all, honoring the diversity celebrated during Pride. Discover why LGBTQ+ inclusion matters and how to create a supportive workplace for everyone.

employee practicing good mental health

By: Alyson Maxwell

Creating a Mental Health Haven: How Companies Can Support Employee Well-Being

Discover how companies can support employee well-being and improve retention with genuine mental health initiatives. Learn key strategies and benefits for 2024.

employee referrals affect company culture

By: Hillary Arveseth

Does Your Company Culture Affect Employee Referrals?

Unlock the power of employee referrals by understanding the pivotal role of company culture. Optimize your company culture, elevate employee satisfaction, and unlock the full potential of your recruitment strategy.

person thinking about emplyee turnover

By: Hillary Arveseth

What's the secret to minimizing employee turnover?

From perks and transparency to strategic training, learn how to minimize turnover woes and achieve your hiring goals. Say goodbye to hiring headaches and hello to a low-turnover future!

team building with employees

By: Hillary Arveseth

How's your relationship with your employees?

The significance of fostering strong relationships between employers and employees cannot be overstated. Beyond the conventional employer-employee dynamic, creating a positive and engaging work environment has far-reaching benefits.

diversity is like a rich tapestry of your workforce

By: Hillary Arveseth

Diversity Weaves the Rich Tapestry That Makes Up Your Workforce

From attracting top talent to fostering innovation and enhancing customer satisfaction, discover the tangible benefits of embracing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

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