Articles: Employee Referrals

employees market jobs

By: Alyson Maxwell

Let Your Employees Market Your Jobs

Boost hiring and engagement with an Employee Referral Program. Proven to improve hire quality, speed up the process, and reduce turnover. Get started today!

employee referrals affect company culture

By: Hillary Arveseth

Does Your Company Culture Affect Employee Referrals?

Unlock the power of employee referrals by understanding the pivotal role of company culture. Optimize your company culture, elevate employee satisfaction, and unlock the full potential of your recruitment strategy.

team members referring employees

By: Ryan Kohler

Eliminate Biased Referral Programs to Fill Job Openings Now

Fill your job openings quickly and reliably. Set up an employee referral program without bias today to see a surge in qualified applicants tomorrow.

hr using a megaphone to get applicants attention

By: Ryan Kohler

Boost Applicant Flow Through the Power of Employee Referrals

With little effort, employee referrals can give you the biggest boost to your applicant flow! Your employees can be job sharers and a credible applicant source.

herd of deer - representing a herd mentality sourcing strategy

By: Ryan Kohler

Fill Your Job Openings With a Different Sourcing Strategy

Try a different sourcing strategy! Stop with herd mentality. The more you just follow "best practices", the more you will struggle to attract job applicants.

employee excited to share jobs

By: Ryan Kohler

Generate Phenomenal Results With Your Employee Referral Program

There's proven value in employee referral programs. Double your applicant flow and increase employee engagement. You will far surpass your job board results!

employee sharing a job posting

By: Ryan Kohler

Increase Quality Hires With Effective Employee Referral Programs

Build the most powerful and sustainable talent attraction engine for your organization. Employee referrals will sustain your growth and feed in quality applicants.

hr managers showing their best source of hires

By: Ryan Kohler

Create an Employee Referral Program that Works in 7 Easy Steps

Find out how to tap into the best source of hire for your job openings by implementing a successful Employee Referral program.

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