employee communicating with manager

The Most Powerful Tool for Hacking Your Workplace Communication

With all of the recent changes going on in the world, employees working from home and team members distributed across various places--effectively relaying messages and discussing projects with one another can be challenging. Especially when time is of the essence.

Over the past 3 years, one of the most powerful tools that I’ve implemented and use daily is Vidyard, a video recording tool

In fact, this is my #1 go to tip when talking to any HR professional.

Now, I know there are several video tools out there that may essentially do the same thing. But, when it comes to ease of use and efficiency with screen capturing, video recording, and sharing -- Vidyard takes the cake.

I used Vidyard to record today’s video, walking you through what it is, how to use it, and why it’s one of my essential, game-changing tools. Check it out!

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First of all, what is Vidyard

Essentially, Vidyard is a chrome extension that puts a tiny icon on your Chrome web browser allowing you to easily and rapidly create a video recording yourself, your screen, and/or both simultaneously.

Why use Vidyard - or record video at all

Relaying your message via video allows you to create a more personal engagement. It’s not just a typed up email or text, but instead, allows whoever you’re sending it to, to see your face and hear your voice -- creating that authentic, human-to-human interaction. Not to mention, it’s an insanely fast and more effective way to get your message across.

Vidyard also allows you to record your screen, which is a powerful tool when teaching, training, or explaining the process for completing a specific task. Rather than simply telling them how to do it, record a video of you walking them through the steps, showing them how to do it.

How to use Vidyard in your organization

Videos can be used in all aspects for your hiring process and across the board throughout your organization. In fact, they’ve become an essential part of how we operate here at ApplicantPro! Here are a few simple ways to utilize Vidyard:

  • Easily provide information about your company, the benefits you offer, and open positions within your organization -- Use on your career site and/or company website for a more engaging experience.
  • Effectively explain the next step in your hiring process to potential candidates, providing them with a clear guideline of how to complete it.
  • Inform your employees of new company announcements, training, and projects that need to be completed.

Now, I feel the need to say I am in no-way a paid spokesperson for Vidyard -- I genuinely just love the company and how much easier it makes my job!

For a step-by-step process of how to get set up using Vidyard, be sure to check out the video. It’s free to sign up and even easier to use.

Good luck hiring!

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