hr lining up qualified applicants

Attracting Qualified Candidates in the Right Places

Recently, I read that current unemployment rates may be as high as 21% in the United States.

DOUBLING the rates since the recession in 2008.

So if almost 1 in every 5 people is currently unemployed...

Where are all the job seekers? And why are your qualified applicant rates SO low?

In this week's video, I'll be sharing with you why I believe you aren't receiving applicants and my proven tactics to easily increase the quality of your applicants by looking in the right places. Check it out!

Make your job stand out!

A job is one thing, but a job that employees enjoy is another. Discover how you can create a better job with our Company Comparison tool!

The default for most employers during a time like this is to target unemployed job seekers...

And that is the wrong approach.

What employers should really be doing is targeting their competitor's employees.

These individuals are the best of the best, they don't get unemployment payouts and they're not afraid to be working...

Remember my 5 simple steps to ensuring quality hires for your jobs...

  • Approach this like marketing and product sales. An old job ad won't work, you need to go and identify the weaknesses of your competitors.
  • Determine your strengths and what makes your organization a better place to work.
  • Amplify your differences! Stop trying to copy your competitors and getting lost in the sea.
  • Use powerful sources like employee referrals and social networking... Job boards are a great place to find actively searching job seekers. However, in this situation, you're going to be targeting a more passive candidate.
  • Focus on the transition experience... you're in such a chaotic uncertain time that asking someone to quit their job and come work for you can sound like a risky proposition. Think through and focus on what that transition experience will look like.

I'd like to share with you my proven, free Company Comparison tool that will allow you to easily compare your company to your competitors allowing your strengths to stand out against their weaknesses and ensures a smooth transition when you hire people away from them.

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SECRET WEAPON: The Company Comparison Tool

Learn how you can stand out with our Company Comparison Tool!

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