Are You Losing Mobile Applicants

Are You Losing Mobile Applicants?

You don’t need to be told how quickly mobile search is growing, you likely already know. But to put things into perspective, here are some interesting facts:

It’s time you started pushing for a more mobile friendly applicant process

  • 3 in 5 job seekers have searched for jobs on their mobile device in the past year.
  • 68% of job seekers use their mobile device to search for jobs once a week or more
  • 1 in 4 job seekers would not apply for a job if the career site is not optimized for mobile

You can find more related details and facts. There you have it, it’s a big deal, and it’s time you started pushing for a more mobile friendly applicant process.

Attract More Highly Qualified Applicants

We spend countless hours researching the most effective, easy to implement, and FREE strategies that will dramatically boost your qualified applicant flow.

Mobile-Friendly Career Site

Make sure that your career site can be navigated with ease with a mobile device. It can be hard to click on tiny little links from a smart-phone when most people have clunky thumbs. You want your buttons nice and big. Make sure all the information is concise and only the necessary information is included.

Mobile Friendly Job Listings

Follow the same trend here, concise information and large buttons. Most importantly, make sure the prospect can apply from their phone. In fact, you can even allow for mobile interviews by using video interviewing apps such as Screenie.

Mobile friendly Online Application Process

You need to strike the balance between a thorough application/screening process and simplicity. When it comes to mobile, veer more towards the simplistic side. Instead of losing 25% of potential job seekers, lessen the application process and screen applicants in more detail further down the line.

As you can see, you can’t afford to lose out on applicants by not having a mobile friendly application process. You don’t need a responsive design overhaul and you don’t need a separate mobile design as well (unless you have the budget, then by all means). Just make these simple tweaks and keeping optimizing for a better mobile experience.

For more information about items mentioned in this article, click here

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