taking the next step
ApplicantPro Author - Hillary Arveseth
Hillary Arveseth

Boost Your Job Board Success with an Effective Call to Action

Employers are doing everything they can to try to increase the number of applicants they get from the job boards. We are stuck in a labor shortage that doesn't seem to be easing up anytime soon, so employers need to be doing everything they can to find that top talent! But to be honest, most are overlooking one of the most important parts of marketing their jobs on the job boards...the call to action (CTA)!

One of the hottest buzzwords in the recruiting world is recruitment marketing.

Job Ad Template

Create engaging job ads sure to attract qualified job seekers for your positions!

And while it's been around for a long time, it's just starting to catch on and become more popular. It says that recruiting is more like marketing than it is like HR and therefore, companies that want to improve their recruiting results need to focus on using marketing techniques and apply them to their sourcing of job seekers.

This can never be more true than when it comes to the job boards; one of the most overlooked parts of the job boards is the ad itself.

The impact of engaging job ads

Your ad needs to be engaging! Engaging enough that a job seeker would want to read the entire thing. It should be telling them a story where they can be the hero of that story.

If you do a great job of creating a captivating and engaging ad that keeps job seekers reading to the bottom, you need to make sure you don't make one of the most common mistakes, and that is leaving out the call to action!

In the marketing world, we say the difference between marketing and information is a call to action. When you use information to market your job, the biggest shift is that the end of the blog post, email, or job ad needs to call your job seekers to take the next most logical step to progress forward with your company.

Marketers have found that prompting the person with the next step dramatically increases the likelihood of people taking that next step. With the job ad, it means that your final paragraph of the job ad needs to drive them to take the next step.

Crafting an engaging call to action

I suggest you start with a heading that says something like,

  • "Would you like to join our team?"
  • "Do you feel like you're qualified for this job?"
  • "What are the next steps?"

Then explain to them the next steps and give them as much detail about what comes next as possible.

Your statement might be something as simple as saying, "If the above ad sounds like something you'd be interested in, we'd love to meet you! Please feel free to fill out our short application by clicking on the Apply Now button on this page and your resume will be submitted directly to the hiring manager over this position."

It's as simple as that! Tell people at the end of the job ad exactly what they can do if they're interested and what comes next to help motivate them to take that next step.

Why a CTA is important...

By concluding your job ad with a compelling call to action, you motivate potential candidates to take the desired action and move forward in the application process.

Recognizing the significance of recruitment marketing and harnessing the potential of compelling CTAs can significantly enhance your job ad's effectiveness on job boards. Employers who understand the power of a strong call to action and use it strategically will attract a larger pool of qualified applicants. Isn't that what we all need these days?

If you need more help with your job ads, check out our FREE Job Ad Template!

If you have questions or want one-on-one help, click the button below to set up a time to chat!

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job ad template guide

Increase your applicant flow rate with step-by-step template!

Create killer job ads with our step-by-step Job Ad Template and watch as you stand out against your competitors.

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