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ApplicantPro Author - Hillary Arveseth
Hillary Arveseth

Your Job Ads...Titles Matter!

Your job ads are the gateway to hiring the best talent. You need to make sure they are written in the best way to attract good candidates that will be a perfect fit for your company. But how are you going to get job seekers to even read through your job ad if they don't show up in their job search or if they don't understand what the job is you're hiring for?

The title of your job ad is the most important piece of the puzzle! You need it to be written in a specific way so that it will show up in the applicant's search, entice candidates to keep reading, but also so job boards will actually post your jobs.

How do I make sure my job ad titles will help with my hiring?

There are a few things that will flag your job ads and keep them from being posted...so let's go through a quick list of do's and don't's that will ensure your job ads will be seen.

Let's start with the DOs:

  • Be Concise! Only use the words you need to and be specific to the job that you are hiring for...keep the titles short and sweet!
  • Stick to the job title! If you're hiring for a server...say that! If you're hiring for a truck driver...say that! No need to come up with clever titles to sound creative..those aren't the words job seekers are going to be typing into the search bar, so they won't ever see your job if you try to get too creative.
  • Describe aspects of the job! If it's a remote job, put that in your title. If the schedule is flexible, add that. People searching for jobs on job boards will also include these words in their searches...help them find your jobs by adding them to your title.
  • Use Career Level! Job seekers will want to know if it's an entry level position or if it's senior management...often they'll use those words in their job search on the job boards.

Now the DON'Ts:

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  • DON'T Use special characters! Leave the emojis and symbols out...this will get your job ad flagged and it may not get published.
  • DON'T Use internal titles! Some jobs have different names. If you're looking to hire a host/hostess for your restaurant, use those words...even if you use a different title (customer service, for example) for the job for your internal HR purposes. Job seekers are going to be searching for the precise titles of the job that they're used to and that they're wanting. Using the title customer service could mean many things (retail, call center, customer support, etc), but if it's for a restaurant host or hostess, use that!
  • DON'T Use clickbait! It's fun to use words that will get the job seekers excited! You want them to feel like the superstar server, or the ninja customer service agent...but save those words for your job description, not the title! They won't know to search for these words, so your job ads won't show up for them.
  • DON'T Put #'s or pay info in your title! You want to make sure the candidates know what your pay is and if there are bonuses, but do not put those in your title. That information needs to be put in your job description instead of the title so it doesn't get flagged.

If you want your job ads to be seen by as many job seekers as possible, put these tips into action. That search bar on job boards is the main way people will find your jobs and if you are using the precise job title and other words that will be typed in there, you will reach far more applicants. Be sure to avoid the extra fluff, clickbait and symbols to keep your job ads from being flagged and not showing up in the search results.

If you need help or tips with writing your job titles, please click the link below to set up a time to chat! We have an experienced team of job ad writers that know what works to get your job ad the most attention.

Let's Chat!

Learn how to write a killer job ad

Want to learn how to write better job ads?

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" now! This guide will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

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