employees playing table tennis together

How To Attract Experienced Applicants - No Table Tennis Required

Unemployment is low, really low. This means your largest source of qualified talent is going to be those who are currently employed. In a sea of available jobs with the same basic tasks - how can you as an HR manager make your organization stand out? How can you convince these potential candidates that you’ll provide them with a better place to work? Ping pong tables are great and all, but more of a novelty than a real benefit in the workplace. In a job market where companies are constantly at war with each other trying to hire and retain talent, it's vital to understand what job seekers want and value in a position. This will give you the ultimate advantage when advertising your jobs!

In last week’s blog, I covered the importance of segmenting your job seeker audience. Today is part one to a three-part series where I’m giving you tips on how to target different segments of employed job seekers: candidates looking for the same job but a better employer, a job in another industry, and those who are looking to move up in their career. Check out the video to learn what it takes to win over experienced employees from your competitors.

Write Better Job Ads Today!

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" that will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

To attract job seekers who are looking for a better company to work for, you’ll want to follow these steps.

  1. Know the target market
  2. Amplify your differences
  3. Understand the search
  4. Validate your content

Each of these is crucial when putting together your ad, but I can't stress enough how important it is to amplify your differences. Keep in mind if they’re looking for a similar role at a different organization, they’re likely already comfortable with the tasks the job requires. That means you’ll want to sell your company more than the job itself. To find out what's behind each of these steps, watch the video so you can learn to advertise to this target audience in a way that lets them know exactly why your company is worlds better than their current employer!

Writing quality ads takes time, but when most HR professionals are copy and pasting standard, boring, bullet-point filled job descriptions, it's worth the effort to make your jobs stand out.

Ready to crack down on one of the largest groups of available talent? Download our free How To Write a Killer Job Ad Workbook for a step by step walkthrough on putting together job ads that will win over great candidates, and make sure to check back next week for new tips on targeting the next group of employed job seekers, those who are looking to switch industries.

Learn how to write a killer job ad

Want to learn how to write better job ads?

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" now! This guide will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

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