hr looking at resume with magnifying glass

ApplicantPro can do your background checks for you!

Does your applicant have a questionable past?

Do you need to know what they did in a former life?

Could you be taking a risk by hiring that applicant?

You owe it to your company, fellow employees, and shareholders to know the answers to all of these questions. We would love to help you answer these questions with our background checks!

ApplicantPro can help with your Criminal Background Checks

Did you know that not all background checks are created equal? What you may not know is there is no central database in the United States containing all criminal records; the use of so-called "national" criminal databases alone will rarely give you a complete picture of an applicant's criminal history.

Because of this, ApplicantPro can help you build a background check program based on the following tiers...

Basic: This would include a County courthouse search in your applicant's current County of residence, supplemented with a multi-jurisdictional database search.

Better: This tier includes a County courthouse search in all Counties your applicant has lived in during the last seven to ten years, along with the multi-jurisdictional database search.

Best: This includes everything in the "Better" tier along with a search for Federal criminal offenses in all Federal districts your applicant has lived in for the past seven to ten years.

You can choose which one would best suit your company's needs and get you the information you are looking for!

5 Steps to Optimizing Your Application Process

Streamline your application process to convert more job seekers into qualified applicants

Do you need to have Drug Testing done for your applicants?

From ordering the drug test to getting the results, we've got your back!

Once you order a drug test for your applicant, we will find a convenient testing center, schedule the test, and communicate the information to your applicant so you don't have to. Once the test is done and the results are in, they will automatically be uploaded into our system so you can access them super easily through your ATS!

Need to verify the information for your applicants' resumes?

Employment verification: We can help you verify your applicant's title or position held, hire date, and end date with their current or previous employer(s).

Education: Our education verification can determine the accuracy of your applicant's educational history and credentials. We can check on the dates attended, the major they studied, awards given, and graduation information.

Licensing: Did your applicant tell you they have specific licenses? We can verify those too! Verifying licenses in industries where they are required for specific jobs is crucial. Let us help you with that so you make sure you are making the right hiring decisions.

Can ApplicanPro's background check integration help with your hiring?

With our background check offerings, we guarantee that the information you get from us will be thorough, integrated, fast, and accurate! If this is something you think you could benefit from, please set up a time to chat by clicking the link below. We'd love to help you!

Let's Chat!

5 Steps to Optimizing Your Application Process

Covert Job seekers into qualified applicants!

5 steps to optimizng your application process!

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