attract the right qualified applicants for your job

4 Simple Steps to Attracting the Right Applicants

If you want to make a successful hire, you have to start by drawing in the right applicants to apply for your open job positions. Previously we spent some time reviewing the most common hiring mistakes for attracting the wrong applicants.

Today, I thought it would be best to discuss 4 simple steps you can adopt into your hiring process to ensure that you're drawing a candidate pool chock full of the right applicants.

1. Don't rely on resume keyword tools to find the right applicants.

A lot of hiring software and applicant tracking systems use resume parsing tools that rely on resume keywords to classify job seekers as the right applicants for their jobs. This isn't a problem if you use a resume parsing tool in addition to having a live person scan resumes to determine whether or not your job seekers qualify for "right applicants" status, but because most HR professionals opt for this feature because they're overworked and need help managing hundreds of resumes for their positions, this is rarely the case.

Instead of leaving your fate in the hands of an algorithm that searches for resume keywords, opt for a system that enables you to design strategic job screening questions to locate the right applicants for your openings.

2. Design a hiring process that encourages the right applicants to apply.

Some of the typical qualities our clients describe to qualify people as the right applicants include qualities like being high performing and knowing their worth.

These job seekers are in high demand and won't want to waste their time applying for a job that involves a cumbersome hiring process. Especially when your competitors are also searching for the same right applicants for their positions and create an application process that's convenient and produces a hiring experience for the right applicants that check all of their boxes. They understand that hiring should be a win/win for both the future employee and the employer.

One of ways that to communicate a subconscious message that you value these right applicants is to create a seamless application process. This reinforces to them that you understand how valuable their time is.

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3. Constantly communicate with your right applicants.

High time-to-fill numbers is the bane of hiring managers and it's a sure fire way to push away right applicants.

As we mentioned above, the right applicants probably know that they're in high demand. If you have a lot of lag time between each step of the hiring process, your right applicants will become the right fit for a company other than yours.

Additionally, if you keep quality applicants hanging in between each step of the hiring process, forcing them to assume that lack of communication equals lack of interest, you're going to push these right applicants away. Pushing your right applicants away will undoubtedly maintain a steady pool of desperate applicants coming your way who may be the wrong fit for your job openings.

4. Write job ads that compel the right applicants to apply.

If you want to draw in the right applicants, you have to start by writing a job ad that highlights the benefits of working for your company and serving in that position.

Instead of listing blasé line items that require a law degree to determine what the job actually entails, get creative with your job ads. Imagine the qualities of your right applicants and include objectives that align with their skill set.

Better yet, write a day in the life snapshot of that particular position so that your job seekers can determine whether or not they're the right applicants to apply for your openings.

Ever wondered how profiles for your right applicants would look? We can help! And we can assist you in designing the perfect job ad to draw to you an overflowing right applicants pool.

Maximize Job Boards to Increase Your Applicants

Get More Applicants from Job Boards

Download this exclusive guide to improve applicant flow from job boards.

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